Thursday, May 23, 2013

Some writing samples from Mr. H.'s Room 18

Hey there, classroom Instagrammers! Erin and I have been so excited to see all of the classrooms (from Kindergarten to Senior Years) participating in #eduphotoaday - we hope you've been enjoying it as much as our classes have! I've been finding (and I'm sure many of you have, as well) that the students are always asking at the beginning of the school day what that day's challenge is, and then sharing the great ideas they have to represent it. In our class, the students have their own Kidblog pages (which you can find here), and they've been doing a lot of blogging about the #eduphotoaday pictures that have seeing (you can see all of the #eduphotoaday images from public Instagram accounts here). Here are a few of their blog posts (the image that the students selected, and the blogging they did about that image) that I've selected to share with all of you - enjoy!

Two days ago we took a picture of our family shirts, to show #us on #eduphotoaday. Our family shirts are when we have a SLC or when we have family bins. Every person in the school has a family group. You can take a picture of any thing that has to do with the subject. Yesterday was music for #eduphotoaday. So Michael took a picture of something to do with music. See how it works.!!!! - Lexi

Today Mr.H showed us how to look at more pictures on Instagram, I picked this one because it tricked me and how I love recorders. And how this picture tricked me is because the first time I saw this I thought it was made out of straws….but it is made out of recorders!!! And after that it made me think how much I loved recorders. :D - Denisse

Today we had to take a picture for #Eduphotoadaymay. The theme was lost and found. The people that were in the lost and found bin was Kurt, Jenna, Lexi and Jacell. And I took the picture. Lots of the people said their heads hurts becuase the top was closing on them. THE END! - Logan

Denisse is holding the sun. Sunny days are back and Denisse wants them to stay! We did this picture for #eduphotoadaymay. Denisse thought it would be a good idea to hold the sun, so we did… well actually she did! - Jade

I think this picture is awesome and cute! I think that Jenna picked this picture to! It says oreo under the doggie. I have always wanted a doggie. My mom says we will maybe  get a wiener dog. All I have to do is ask Rick. I all ready know what the dogs first Halloween costume will be a hot dog. I love puppies and kittys. But sadly their were no kitty pictures so I took this one instead. - Mikayla

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